The attendance system

The CRM system also includes a time and attendance system that allows you to keep track of your employees‘ working hours.

It will allow you to monitor your working hours for the purposes of complying with the legislative obligation to record working time, even under a stricter control system.

dochazka ntb

What can the attendance system offer?


Managing attendance by supervisor

Supervisor manages attendance and handles leave and other attendance changes



Export data to other systems


Connection to the calendar

Connection of attendance with calendar, possibility to view in calendar.


Assignment of subordinates

Each user has a supervisor, everything is managed by the appropriate person


Easy attendance reporting


Arrival marking

Quickly mark arrival and departure with a button when starting the CRM system.

Tailor-made implementation

Are you missing an important feature in your schedule? Take advantage of the possibility to implement customized features.

Attendance information can be exported to all payroll systems that allow the import of structured data. For employees who need to edit attendance with location, GPS location confirmation can be added.

We are aware that data not only from attendance is sensitive and therefore we offer a secure server, but also the possibility to host the system by a company of your choice. 


Come try a comprehensive CRM system and manage the whole company from one system.

How our Customer Relationship Management system evaluates users

The system on which our program is based is used by over 60,000 companies worldwide. So something has to do well… What is something, you can try it for yourself right now!

Price list of the attendance system

Prices vary depending on the size of your company and whether you choose cloud hosting with monthly fees or a one-time implementation on your own servers. You also always have the option of non-binding testing of the demo version of the program.

Are you small, medium-sized, large company, corporation or public sector?

The price for NoCode AutoCRM is always decided individually.

What modules can you use?​

The price consists of a one-time fee for implementing and customizing the system. Then from the regular monthly fee for management, cloud, updates, security and backup of the entire system and all its modules.

We don’t require any additional license or user fees during usage.


Billing information:

Apertia Tech s.r.o.

Šlikova 549/4

Praha 6 – Břevnov

PSČ 16900

IČO: 27117758 DIČ: CZ27117758

C 97580 held at the Municipal Court in Prague


Apertia Tech s.r.o.

Matěje Koštíře 269

25088 Čelákovice

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