CRM for large companies
Get a perfect overview of all customer and B2B partner data. Automate and speed up your work processes. Use the full potential of this CRM for large companies.
Get a perfect overview of all customer and B2B partner data. Automate and speed up your work processes. Use the full potential of this CRM for large companies.
A wealth of basic features that can be extended with additional plugins. You will have a solution at hand that will fit your business like a glove.
You can set up automation of tasks such as: sending invitations and reminders, bulk e-mailing, dialing calls and much, much more and the whole automation yourself.
Maximum clear categorization and data segmentation, which will allow you to more effectively address the target groups of your clients.
With the acquisition, the system becomes your property, including codes; you can further modify it for your needs. And develop without the need for programming.
Clear reporting. You can make the chart you need from each entity in the system. The system continuously generates clear reports for you. You can have them on your dashboard.
Easy connection to other services thanks to API interfaces: Outlook, Google Calendar, Office 365, Leady and more.
It can be successfully applied (and it is) so in fields such as banking, e-commerce, manufacturing, tourism, real estate, healthcare, education. Look at all possible areas of application.
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měsíčně za systém AutoCRM
měsíčně za systém AutoCRM
jednorázový poplatek za AutoCRM
jednorázový poplatek za AutoCRM
jednorázový poplatek za AutoCRM
Vyzkoušejte AutoCRM zdarma
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Vyzkoušejte AutoCRM zdarma
Automatizovaný systém pro řízení firmy
Náš tým konzultantů s Vámi projde a seznámí Vás s nasazením AutoCRM do Vaší společnosti.