Cookie Policy

By using the website, the user agrees to the use of cookies in the manner and for the purposes set out in this policy.

This website uses its own and third-party cookies to provide competitive services, including the personalization of the information they provide.

We use cookies sent through the website to:

  • Capture anonymous statistics about traffic and movement patterns on the site. The data collected helps us to improve our services and offer attractive content.
  • Identification of all user devices and browsers used to view web pages.

The cookies used on this site are never used to identify users of the site. When using the website, cookies are also sent by third parties, i.e. Facebook, Google, which are used to compile anonymous aggregate statistics and manage advertising. Detailed information on how these entities use cookies can be found on their websites.

The user of the service can refuse the support of cookies by adjusting the configuration settings of their internet browser. Due to the solutions used on the site, refusal to support cookies may lead to malfunctioning of the site.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files stored in your browser that are used to recognise you when you browse a website.
Cookies are divided into one-time cookies (linked only to the current visit to the website), long-term cookies (active for a certain period of time) and permanent cookies (valid until deleted).

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