Project management, document system, complete business management and e-mail

We have created a tailor-made system for Svatavské strojírny. Originally they only wanted project management. After that we added a document system, a CRM system with e-mail and more.

CRM gant diagram
Svatavské strojírny s.r.o.


NoCode platform - AutoCRM

použitá technologie

System functions:

– the system has tailor-made project management

– gantt chart for each project separately

system document added to each project

– comments on project management

CRM system

– specific system of rights up to the box

– conducting meetings and creating tasks from the meetings.

– clear chat, where the discussion can be turned into a project management task

Other features:

– newsletter tool

– clear calendar

– time worked

– emails that are associated with the organization and contacts

– and many other features incl. automation

Simple system development options:

– they can turn on the reporting system, billing system or warehouse system or duplicate any other item in the system at any time

– the system is fully rest API

– they can create other entities in the system themselves and thanks to AutoCRM their company can grow unlimitedly.

Vyzkoušejte si tento systém také, zdarma.

Plánujte a spravujte své úkoly, schůzky a záležitosti s přesností švýcarských hodinek.

Máte také zájem o systém na míru?

Neváhejte nás kontaktovat.

David Strejc

CTO společnosti Apertia Tech, s.r.o.

+420 772 727 746

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Vyzkoušejte AutoCRM zdarma

Automatizovaný systém pro řízení firmy

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