We have created a tailor-made system for Svatavské strojírny. Originally they only wanted project management. After that we added a document system, a CRM system with e-mail and more.
použitá technologie
– the system has tailor-made project management
– gantt chart for each project separately
– system document added to each project
– comments on project management
– specific system of rights up to the box
– conducting meetings and creating tasks from the meetings.
– clear chat, where the discussion can be turned into a project management task
– newsletter tool
– clear calendar
– time worked
– emails that are associated with the organization and contacts
– and many other features incl. automation
– they can turn on the reporting system, billing system or warehouse system or duplicate any other item in the system at any time
– the system is fully rest API
– they can create other entities in the system themselves and thanks to AutoCRM their company can grow unlimitedly.
Vyzkoušejte AutoCRM zdarma
Ptejte se, zkoušejte, jsme tu pro Vás
Vyzkoušejte AutoCRM zdarma
Automatizovaný systém pro řízení firmy
Náš tým konzultantů s Vámi projde a seznámí Vás s nasazením AutoCRM do Vaší společnosti.