You can now have customer relationship management under your thumb

And not just customer relationship management. Along with it, your corporate marketing, project planning and a host of other activities related to the management of your business. Just get an AutoCRM system and your business will run like a smoothly oiled machine.

CRM for customer relationship management - how it makes your life easier

As you wish

The system is called. modeler and can be edited even by people who don't know how to program. It is very easy to add an entity or a field in an entity. At the moment of purchase, the system is yours with all the codes.

Automation and simplification

All repetitive tasks in the management of your company and in the management of relationships with clients and partners can be automated. Many other processes can be simplified. This system puts the tools in your hands to do it.

Easy data collection and categorization

All your data, including the seemingly trivial, are immediately at your hand with our system. You can use this to personalise your communications instead of sending out bulk, generic messages. But you can also send bulk messages more efficiently by easily sorting your contacts into groups according to your criteria.

All for your call centre

Automated dialling and call recording, call transcription, artificial intelligence and many other features make managing your phone communications easier.

Transparent reporting

Simply tell the system what you want to monitor and reports will be generated at set intervals. Entering the parameters is a question of a moment and you don't have to worry about anything further.

Connection to other systems

Thanks to the API, the system can be easily connected to other tools. Google Calendars, Outlook, Leady, Mattermost and others can be seamlessly integrated with AutoCRM.

Who is this customer relationship management app for?

In fact, there is no industry where our CRM system could not be applied.

Wherever it’s about establishing, maintaining and managing client relationships, wherever it’s about moving hesitant customers further down the sales funnel, wherever it’s about effectively planning your projects, managing relationships with partners and suppliers, managing company communications and better aligning your teams, wherever you need an effective tool to support your marketing campaign – that’s where AutoCRM is needed.

Our customer relationship management system is used by, among others:

open source

More than 50,000 companies from all over the world and from completely different industries are currently using the CRM system on which the Customer Relationship Management AutoCRM program is based. There can be no doubt about the diversity of its applications. As well as the fact that it can make running your business easier too.

How our Customer Relationship Management system evaluates users

Everything you need for customer relationship management - a system for smaller and larger companies

Pořízení našeho systému pro vztahový marketing a CRM je možné v cloudové verzi za měsíční poplatky, případně jednorázovým nákupem pro hosting na vašich vlastních serverech. The various functionalities for online and offline customer relationship management meet the usual needs of small, medium and large companies.

Lower customer conversion costs, easier project management and improved corporate communications. That's what this Customer Relationship Management software brings you. Take your business one step further with it.


Billing information:

Apertia Tech s.r.o.

Šlikova 549/4

Praha 6 – Břevnov

PSČ 16900

IČO: 27117758 DIČ: CZ27117758

C 97580 held at the Municipal Court in Prague


Apertia Tech s.r.o.

Matěje Koštíře 269

25088 Čelákovice

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Automatizovaný systém pro řízení firmy

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